about this site

2009 October 30

Created by patrick 14 years ago
Welcome... from Peter's youngest, Patrick. I have included a selection of comments already posted on my instant memorial made on my blog at smileofthedecade.co.uk - at the time Dad died. This independent site offered a chance for others to take greater ownership, contribute and not have to bother with the rest of my rage against the machine blog entries... So if you are visiting here as a friend or family from far away, there are plenty of places within the site you might wish to add a thought or photo - but - there is a limit to the web space I can get for free and currently this page is safe for 10 years, remarkable for a free service from a charity who have seen the potential of the Internet for remembrance sites...to make it last for ever - please donate if it proves popular and people would like to see it grow I may add more storage space and upgrade to "in perpetuity" status...based on donations to the site charity. click "Donate" at top of page. In the event of it lasting longer than I do (or Simon does) - hey... someone else will have to do mine and take over this one it could get complicated!